In the 1950's the type of music that was listened was rhythm and blues, jazz, and musicals. But the main genre that came to mind and is said to have been born in the 1950's, was Rock n' Roll. This music was most popular amongst teenagers trying to free themselves from the conservative and typical American stereotypes of this time. Rock n' Roll was a mix of southern blues and gospel music with the additional strong background beat. A lot of this music reflected the mood on post WWII and provided a sense of vitality. In 1956, Elvis Presley became the first "rock star", and would quickly influence the nation and change the music industry. It was said that although the girls swooned over his physical appearance and provocative music, some teenage boys displayed a sense of disdain and jealousy towards him.
Elvis became a sensual icon and was said to be the first man that would express the idea of sex in his performances. The way he danced and moved his hips led people to believe that he would wrongly influence teenagers. Due to the the conservative nation that swept across America in the 1950's some girls were banned from even listening to his music. Elvis's newly found style appealed to his audience and made them want to see more. He wore bright colored and designed suits and made others try to imitate his style he used a visual rhetoric to gain popularity. Because of his innovative style, It would jump start America into new trends amongst males and females. Rock and Roll led teenagers to break out of their shells and rebel.
However, Elvis would remain the first notorious Rock n' Roller.
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